Pennine Link Archive
Pennine Link is the magazine produced by the Huddersfield Canal Society for its members and supporters.
We are starting to make back issues of Pennine Link available online here for your interest and enjoyment. The first five editions were known as the Bulletin. The title "Pennine Link" has been used from edition six.
These back issues are .pdf files. Your browser should be able to display them automatically, but if not, you may need to download a PDF reader such as Foxit Reader or Acrobat Reader.
Issue 67
Wakefield Road progress, 1965 trip through Standedge
Issue 68
GMC Legacy offer, New Initiatives and the Future
Issue 69
£1.2m Grant, Wakefield Road Bridge, Marsden-Slaithwaite reopen
Issue 70
Restoration 5 years on, South Pennine Dingy Marathon
Issue 71
Leisure & Recreation Report: Initial Findings, WRG Summer Camp
Issue 72
L&R Benefits Report, Last Traffic on the Narrow
Issue 73
Bates' Planning Refusal, Restoration Photo-Feature
Issue 74
Three Men in a Boat, Boathorses
Issue 75
Environmental Projects, Stalybridge River Route chosen
Issue 76
10th Ashton Festival, 'Benji' & another 'First'
Issue 77
Kirklees Canals Festival, Bates' Appeal, Boating on the HNC
Issue 78
Kirklees Festival Report, Bates' Refusal, Sales Report
Issue 79
Oldham MSC Scheme, L&R win Standedge Contract
Issue 80
Bids for Money, Restoration & The Society, 'Benjamin Outram'
Issue 81/82
Festival Edition, New Adult Training Programme
Issue 83
European Funding, SSSI status in Tameside, Summer Wine
Issue 84
Assistant Projects Officer, Ministerial Visit, Yellow Brick Road
Issue 85
Mini Profiles, Three Cheers for Brussels, Pennine Passage
Issue 86
Roaches Lock Project, Restoration Photos, Mini Profiles
Issue 87
Training Schemes, Inter Society Quiz, Paddle Gear
Issue 88
Diggle Restoration, Stalybridge Three Locks Rally
Issue 89
Mersey Basin Campaign, BW New Management Structure
Issue 90
HCS Restoration Ltd, Standedge Preview, Kirklees Festival
Issue 91
Tunnel Survey Special
Issue 92
Roaches Lock feature, Historical Notes, BW New Rates
Issue 93
Canal History, Standedge Walk, Small Boat Rally
Issue 94
Ashton Festival 1990, Employment Training Demise
Issue 95
Kirklees Festival 1990, Stand up & be Counted, Tunnel End Festival
Issue 96
Civic Award, Fundraising, Don Phillips Restoration Maps
Issue 97
Restoration 10 years on, Diggle Restoration, Return of 'Toepath'
Issue 98
Staley Wharf, Restoration Video, Northern Canals Association
Issue 99
Tunnelling Councillors, Aerial Photos, Waterways for Youth
Issue 100
Milestones - Looking Back, Launch of Marsden Shuttle
Issue 101
Derelict Land Grant hopes, 50th Lock Topped Out
Issue 102
1992 Festivals, Horus' Nile, Employment Action
Issue 103
New slipway at Uppermill, Festival Reports, 2000th Member
Issue 104
Major Restoration Report, DoE visit Canal, Weil's Disease
Issue 105
Restoration Maps Rethink, Sainsbury's at Aspley
Issue 106
Transhipment Shed, 1960 Photos, Wife's Tale returns
Issue 107
Whitelands Canal Centre?, Arthur Cooke's History
Issue 108
Mossley Locks and Transhipment Shed Official opening
Issue 109
Standedge Experience, Westminster Trip, Over the Top
Issue 110
Bicentenary History, Staley Wharf, Diggle's First Sod
Issue 111
Coopers & Lybrand Study, Manns Wharf Bridge opening
Issue 112
Then and Now Feature, Canal & Riverboat Praise
Issue 113
Staley Wharf Opening, Linthwaite Trailboat Rally
Issue 114
Water-based Dredging, Wedding at Shed, Distaff Side
Issue 115
Midi Summer Dream, Lock Photo-feature
Issue 116
Blockages, Lottery Bid Send off, New Restoration Map
Issue 117
Launch of Standedge Pioneer, Diggle Flight Opening
Issue 118
Millennium Bid Update, Towpaths & Cyclists, IWAAC Report
Issue 119
Standedge Experience Plan, A fourth Tom Rolt Award
Issue 120
Millennium Success! Standedge Storyline, The Future of HCS
Issue 121
Millennium Progress, Sonia Rolt's Canal People, Council News
Issue 122
Festival Reports, Stalybridge Then & Now, 'Postcards' Series
Issue 123
Millennium Agreement Signed, Alan Stopher's first Report
Issue 124
IWAAC Report Recommendations, Not the Wife's Tale
Issue 125
Guillotine Gate Commissioning, Slaithwaite Restoration Scheme
Issue 126
HNC Top of the List, Festival Photo Features
Issue 127
English Partnerships Match Funding, HCS Photo Competition
Issue 128
Everything Signed, Where Next for HCS?
Issue 129
Demise of HCS Restoration Ltd., Silver Jubilee for HCS
Issue 130
Partnership with the People, Uppermill the First Time
Issue 131
Press Visit Standedge, Progress Photo-feature, A first website
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