Structural repairs. Scheme started in November 1999 and completed in May 2000. Also known as Royal George Aqueduct.
- Work undertaken by: British Waterways own maintenance staff..
Structural repairs. Scheme started in November 1999 and completed in May 2000. Also known as Royal George Aqueduct.
This involved repairs to the existing concrete channel, formation of new cutoffs to each end to prevent leakage, and repairs to the masonry walls.
The aqueduct channel was pumped out and desilted for inspection and a section of spandrel wall was taken down. The towpath was closed and a diversion via Calf Lane, Royal George Inn and Well'i'Hole was signed.
Initial access across the canal.
Concrete repairs underway.
Concrete repairs to the existing concrete channel.
This shows the concrete channel being extended at each end in a curved form. Stone copings are also being rebedded to finish the concrete channel in a more attractive fashion than hitherto.
The completed scheme showing improved paths with steps.