Canal Society

Wool Road and Lock 24w

New navigable culvert and excavation and repairs to Lock 24w. Started in July 1999 and completed in May 2000.

Wool Road

This has involved the construction of a new box culvert bridge to navigable clearances under the A670 and refurbishment of the adjacent lock 24 which is the bottom lock of the Diggle flight. The original stone road bridge has been exposed and found to be in good condition and has been used as a temporary traffic-light controlled diversion route during building of the new bridge. The old bridge is to be retained for pedestrian use and a residents' cul de sac. The photograph is a view looking upstream before work started.

Wool Road

This photograph shows the box culvert and wing walls taking shape.

Wool Road

A later photograph with the bridge nearing completion including laying of reclaimed stone finishes.

Wool Road

A new by-wash pipe has been laid beside the lock and a new boundary wall has been built. In this picture new coping stones are being laid to the lock.

Wool Road

Lock 24w has been excavated and found to be in good condition. The towpath is being reinstated to link with the restored canal under the original bridge.

Wool Road

Wool Road carriageway completely open to traffic. The opportunity has been taken to introduce an element of traffic calming on this 30mph stretch of main road.

Wool Road

The completed Wool Road Bridge has been praised as an excellent piece of engineering blending old and new construction methods.

Wool Road

It was formally opened on 19th May 2000 by the Mayor and Mayoress of Oldham, Councillors John & Philomena Dillon assisted by Millennium Commissoner Judith Donovan CBE, (far right) and Huddersfield Canal Company Chairman David Sumner, (far left).